28 comments on “Prayers and thoughts everyone

  1. Oh no, no, no! We’re sending every prayer and healing hought. Hang in there buddy – we’re thinking of you and your family. Wish, WISH we could do something. Take care – JD and Max.

  2. Oh NO!!!!! What happened??? I thought yesterday he’d come through the surgery fine and is just resting?!

    We are not religious so don’t pray but we are sending all our thoughts and all the healing vibes we can. I know this must be a terrible time for you. Wish there was more we can do. Really keeping everything crossed. Take care of yourself and your family –

    Hsin-Yi, Paul & Honey

  3. this made my heart sink. i remember this exact thing about Guinness–he did not recover from his surgery and could no longer walk. everyone including the vets said he would’t make it, but large breeds get worse before they get better and the anesthetic knocks the hell out of them. keep his vitals going and then let Darcy decide–remember the trauma he has just gone through–how would you feel after spinal surgery–i think you are right when you say you feel there might be a chance. hang on to those thoughts right now

  4. Oh dear Mr Darcy, I have not stopped in since a few posts ago so am quite shocked by this. It does not sound good, but I know he can do it! I really believe that lots of positive thoughts can make a difference so we have all our paws crossed and have both our brains in overdrive with positive thoughts. Please hang in there big guy and fight the good fight. You have been through a lot and deserve a chance to recover.
    Moose + dana

  5. Hi Mr Darcy’s Mumma – just seen your update – oh, we wish we could be there with you right now. We’re sending all the healing vibes we can – everyone out here in cyberspace is rooting for him and the love we all feel for this big handsome chap is immense. We hope you can feel it. Loadsa love – JD and Max and Clare.

  6. Oh No!!! Mr. Darcy please get better! I thought he was doing much better and things were looking positive? This is just awful news. Mr. Darcy please fight hard for your humans and all your doggie friends. You are young and although you have brought so much happiness and love into the world so far you are NOT done yet. Please get better so we can enjoy your stories and your smiling face. Your humans and your doggie friends need you!

    Sending all the positive healing thoughts we can!

  7. We are REALLY pulling for Mr. Darcy over here! He is constantly in our thoughts and we’re really hoping that he can pull through this!! I’m sending all the positive thoughts I can his way!

  8. We are praying like crazy here!!! It just can’t be his time – not yet!!! Please fight, Mr. Darcy!!!
    Dad even put you in the meal-time prayers.
    We love you!!!
    PS: Special hugs for your mom, too!!!!!

  9. Oh no, this is so not what we were expecting to see. All our thoughts and prayers are with you and we can only hope for the best. We don’t understand what has happened but our hearts go out to you.

    Hugs, the OP Pack

  10. OMDog – We’ll hold you guys tight in our prayers & hugs – Our hearts are heavy with you!!

    Hold tight and be strong!!


  11. I’m so sorry to hear about your troubles, Mr. Darcy. Hang in there and know you have the world praying for your recovery. You have many more adventures to live, our friend.

  12. We are khontinuing to keep all of you in our thoughts –

    I’ve got my paws khrossed and lots of Sibe Vibes blowing in your direkhtion –

    Mom will be thinking good things too –

    Khyra and Her Mom

  13. Keeping your Mr. Darcy in my thoughts. A lot of people have been pulling for you guys, so I thought I’d make my way over to the blog, too, to send my best wishes.

  14. Oh Mr. Darcy! We came back to visit again just because we are thinking of you.

    All our good thoughts to you and your family.

    Mango Momma

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