Mr Darcy (23.6.08 – 6.10.09)

My Shoulders ached for Strong Sure Wings
And my Feet were sore with the Need to Fly.

Poor Earth-Bound ones— you could not know!
I raced the skies on Sturdy Limbs and tossed my proud dark head away from Captive Bones.

Thanks to the ‘Splorin Wolfies.

The little humans decided to write about Mr Darcy too:


“Mr Darcy,

Mr Darcy was a smart and a big puppy. Mum made blogs about him. He’s my most favourite dog in the world. He also used to be a small puppy.”


” I loved Mr Darcy. He loved me. He loved running around and hopping in the bath without any water in the bath. I Loved lying down with him. He was fun to play with. I loved him the most because he was big!”

On the 17th September, 2008, the four of us traveled for hours in the car to pick up the Dane puppy we had been waiting for so eagerly. He was waiting for us in the puppy pen looking so exquisite! While his sister jumped all over us, Mr Darcy looked at us quite perplexed. I picked him up and put him in my lap and he snuggled in ~ and that was the start of an epic love story between a puppy and his family.
Mr Darcy was a dog who took loving seriously. He made it his job to make us all feel loved and happy every day.

24 weeks 001

Mr Darcy was always doing silly things for a laugh. Like spying on the neighbours:

P1010009 - Copyand digging giagntic holes:


… attempting to work out the mystery of ducted heating:


Thank you Mr Darcy for being the best dawg you could be.

Please follow this link to watch Mr Darcy’s farewell clip.

go and give those you love a smooch,

Darcy’s Mumma
click here to see another video of Mr Darcy’s gardening skills.

Mr Darcy got his wings today

My beautiful Mr Darcy got his wings this afternoon.
He deteriorated today and he was not going to get better.
I, and Darcy’s dad and Darcy’s little hooman boy all cuddled him. He went very peacefully.

thank you so much to everyone who have all thought and prayed for Mr Darcy for days now. You have all been a great comfort to me.

I am going to do another post soon. I would love everyone to read it because it is going to be a celebration of Mr Darcy’s 14 months.

I know Max is taking care of him.

Darcy’s Mumma

Missing Mr Darcy

Hello everyone!

I wasn’t able to visit Mr Darcy today. The nurse told me he would get too excited when he saw me and we need him to be very still in order to make a proper recovery. So I just dropped off some more food for him, even though that was quite pointless as his appetite has not returned yet.

Sorry there was an ambiguity in my last post concerning the reaction Mr Darcy had with the anaesthetic. The reaction wasn’t so much to do with the fact Mr Darcy is a big boy as that a fair amount of function returned to his spinal cord the moment the last bit of bone was removed; this changed the effect the anaesthetic was having on his body! But yes, big dogs are prone to problems with anaesthetic. This was the fist time Mr Darcy had a problem, although he has been under a general anaesthetic five times now; so we’ve been lucky. At the Vet school Mr darcy has an actual anaesthetist taking care of him during the operation so it makes it much safer.

The vet said all things goin well Mr Darcy might come home in 5 days time! I know how am I going to wait that long – and how are all you dear readers going to put up with my drab writing!!!

Well I think the solution lies in some puppy photos.



Ele's lesson and Mr Darcys first day 085

9 wks


10 weeks 017

sorry about our back yard, it is most definitely a work in progress; very slow progress…

Out of surgery!

Thank you so much to everyone! All your healing vibes and prayers and thoughts have been so heartening and I am sure helped make the surgery go well.

Mr Darcy was in surgery for nearly six hours. The specialist found that his cervical vertebra were malformed and they have cut all the bone out that was compressing the spinal column; and stopped the ligament from compressing the spine as well. Mr Darcy came into a bit of trouble with the anaesthetic when his spinal cord was de-compressed, but he got through that as well!

We won’t know for a few days whether his spinal column has been permanently damaged.

I am going to visit him tomorrow. I am looking forward to seeing him again so much, even though he will probably be in a very sad state.

I’m not sure when he’s coming home, hopefully in the next few days.

Well I guess at some point I better change the “about Wobblers” page as it turns out he didn’t technically have Wobblers after all!


Darcy Mumma

Mr Darcy had an MRI today

Today Mr Darcy went back to the specialist for an MRI. The MRI showed that the discs are not compressing the spinal cord; but that a ligament is. The ligament is thickened and causing the spinal cord to swell: thus all the movement problems.

He is staying at the hospital tonight and he will undergo surgery tomorrow (pending approval from the head vet) to stop the ligament from damaging the spinal cord.

Fingers, paws and claws crossed everyone that the spinal cord has not been permanently damaged and that the op is a success!

Mr Darcy’s Mumma